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Handbuch See
Título traducido al inglés
Seafarer's Compendium
Descripción del producto
Almost every German seagoing vessel now carries at least one copy of the practical handbook "Occupational Safety and Health Protection in Shipping and Fisheries". Managers and crew members appreciate the high practical relevance of this knowledge database and "occupational safety primer". Written by practitioners for practitioners, 69 modules explain in a few words and with appealing pictures what seafarers must pay attention to when working on board in order not to endanger themselves or others. In the case of instruction, the corresponding module serves as the basis for explanations of specific activities. In the qualification process, the practical handbook supports the individual and joint examination of central topics of occupational safety at sea. The widely used and internationally recognized reference work is now also available as an app.
Why a version for mobile devices? The topics of occupational safety and health protection can be conveyed digitally in a playful and inviting way. Regardless of place, time and Internet connection, the essential information is at hand. This is in line with the special conditions of seafaring. With the bilingual app, multi-ethnic crews have direct and easy access. They can refresh their knowledge interactively and flexibly with compact information and illustrations reduced to the essentials. Relevant information on occupational accidents or near-misses can be recorded quickly and clearly.
Even before the app was available online, it won the eLearning Award 2018 at the "didacta" trade fair in the Knowledge Management category. It was particularly emphasized that the app combines methodical approaches from blended and mobile learning with competence and knowledge management. The free app has now been downloaded almost 1,400 times. It has developed into a standard reference work for occupational safety and health protection in maritime shipping and fisheries, which is in demand among German shipping companies and shipping companies of other flag states. Positive feedback was also received from the international maritime authority, the IMO (International Maritime Organization).
Profile of the App:
- available for Android and iOS
- can be used on Smartphone and Tablet
- Online and offline use possible
- German and English language switchable at any time
- Keyword search across all topics
- Memo function for storing data and photos, e.g. of accidents and near-misses
Objetivos y metas
For more safety on seagoing vessels! The BG Verkehr app
Available on the app stores for IPhone and Android
Público objetivo
entrepreneurs, managers, crew members
Premios recibidos
eLearning Award 2018, Category Knowledge Management
Datos de contacto del editor / del empresa productora
BG Verkehr
Ottenser Hauptstr. 54, Germany-22765 Hamburg
+49 40 39801946 - +49 160 91039564 nadja.schilling@bg-verkehr.de