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How You Work Is How You Live (TV commercial)
Título traducido al inglés
How You Work Is How You Live (TV commercial)
Película: Duración en minutos
0:31 minutos
Descripción del producto
Every week, 311 are injured at work. How you work is how you live.
Objetivos y metas
Our habits and the risks we take at our workplace affect the overall quality of our lives.
The commercial is part of a year-long integrated marketing communications campaign to spread the safety message for the year of 2016.
Público objetivo
Management, supervisors, workers and members of public
National Workplace Safety and Health Campaign 2015
Datos de contacto del editor
Workplace Safety and Health Council
Bendemeer Road1500 - Ministry of Manpower Services Centre , Singapore-339946 Singapore
yeo_siew_liang@mom.gov.sg www.wshc.sg
Datos de contacto del empresa productora
Grey Group
Magazine Road1 - Central Mall , Singapore-059567 Singapore