Jurong Primewide: Work At Height
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Jurong Primewide: Work At Height
Película: Duración en minutos
23 minutos
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Descripción del producto
Working at height is a high risk construction activities which has led to many accidents in Singapore. The video compromises of good & substandard practices to be followed while performing such work. The consequences of complacency and the fact that there is no second chance if a fatality happens is illustrated in the video.
Objetivos y metas
Safety is everybody's responsibility
Training and education towards safety should be made more interesting, videography would be an entertaining source of training to get the message clearly across.
- Prevention and health guidelines for the safe driving_1.2
- Prevention and health guidelines for the safe driving_1.6
- Prevention and health guidelines for the safe driving_1.7
- Prevention and health guidelines for the safe driving_1.5
- Folder AUVA-Arbeitsstoffverzeichnis
- Travel Planner
- "Echt jetzt?!" Posterserie zur Arbeitsplatzhygiene
- "Bleib sauber!" Posterserie zur Arbeitsplatzhygiene
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- Pressemitteilung CO2-Timer
- Prevention and health guidelines for the safe driving_1.3
- Prevention and health guidelines for the safe driving_1.4
- Prevention and health guidelines for the safe driving_1.8
- Prevention and health guidelines for the safe driving_1.9
- Prevention and health guidelines for the safe driving_1.10
- Prevention and health guidelines for the safe driving_1.11
- Prevention and health guidelines for the safe driving_1.12
- Prevention and health guidelines for the safe driving_1.13
- Prevention and health guidelines for the safe driving_3.1
- Prevention and health guidelines for the safe driving_3.2
- Prevention and health guidelines for the safe driving_3.3
- 1_WISOM_Flyeransicht_ohne DEKRA.pdf
- Pasos para gestionar un casi casi
- Casi-casi
- Casi Casi APP
- Prevención cáncel de piel.
- Audiometrías
- Control agudeza
- Control Cardiovascular
- Control signos vitales
- Oxigeno
- Usando los EPPs continuamos Conectados con la vida
- Wellbeing League Stories
- Basic guidelines for the safe use of equipment for working at height: ladders, scaffolding and mobile elevating personnel platfo
- Erine, l'autre moi
- Speak Up Save Lives App - Award Submission 2023
- Speak Up Save Lives App - Campaign assets
- Speak Up Save Lives App - Radio ad
- Speak Up Save Lives App - Award Submission 2023
- Speak Up Save Lives App - Campaign assets
- Speak Up Save Lives App - Radio ad
- Speak Up Save Lives App - Award Submission 2023
- Speak Up Save Lives App - Campaign assets
- Speak Up Save Lives App - Radio ad
Público objetivo
Foreign Construction Workers & Management Staff of Building Contractors
Premios recibidos
Ministry Of Manpower Workplace Safety & Health Award
Datos de contacto del editor
Jurong Primewide Pte Ltd
No 8, Jurong Town Hall Road, The JTC Summit#08-00, Singapore-S 609434 Singapore
Datos de contacto del empresa productora
Jurong Primewide Pte Ltd
No 8, Jurong Town Hall Road, The JTC Summit#08-00, Singapore-S609434 Singapore