Kinesthésie de la chute
Título traducido al inglés
Kinesthesia of the fall
Película: Duración en minutos
4 minutos
Descripción del producto
Héli is initially on a non-conforming scaffolding, with a high risk of falling from a height. The rest is inevitable!
Nevertheless, there are means of prevention and safety in order to mitigate these risks and their consequences.
Objetivos y metas
Inform and raise the awareness of all workers on the importance of preventing accidents related to falls from level and height, through risk analysis and training.
The format combining animation and video has been chosen to bring a strong message on the prevention of the risks of falls, in a fun way and within everyone's reach.
As a training organization in occupational risk prevention, we use this amateur film, partly shot on our premises. Our main actor, Héli, has several roles in other animated films and on different themes related to prevention. As for our other actors, they are members of our teams of trainers, managers and Health, Health, Safety and Environment and administrative technicians, all volunteers.
Público objetivo
All workers
Datos de contacto del editor / del empresa productora
25 Cours Landrivon, France-13110 Port de Bouc
+33 442447159 - +33 667892848