La Liga del Bienestar

Título traducido al inglés

The Wellness League

Película: Duración en minutos

23"32 minutos

Descripción del producto

This campaign was carried out using characters called the 24/7 Wellness Agents, who emerged to ensure the health and safety of Grupo Progreso employees. Its mission is to avoid unsafe acts, product of Haste, Frustration, Fatigue and Complacency; Their archenemies seek to trigger accidents by distracting employees to apply operational controls. The goal of the Agents of Wellbeing 24/7 has always been that each one of Progreso's collaborators becomes an agent of the League of Wellbeing and that they transcend 360 degrees, to any scenario they find themselves, including the new generation of agents who are being recruited daily through your example at home. The videos raise awareness among Grupo Progreso workers about the risks that exist and how through control measures we can avoid accidents. In this video, 24/7 Wellness Agents will find themselves in different situations where they must avoid unsafe acts caused by their archenemies. The video can be sent by mail or it can be published on the televisions of the venues.

Objetivos y metas

Raise awareness among Grupo Progreso workers about the commitment they must have in complying with health and safety regulations to avoid any incident. Reinforce the performance of tasks safely by detecting all risk factors. Promote the culture of zero accidents by detecting the risks and dangers that exist and how through control measures we can avoid accidents. Motivate employees to influence their families, since this is the fundamental axis of society. Strengthen the aspects in which opportunities for improvement have been evidenced in the brigade members, which have been indicated through brigade refresher reports.

Público destinatario

Otros (por favor especifique) : Employees

Datos de contacto del editor / del empresa productora

Kilometro 19.3 carretera a san Jose Pinula 4 avenida 1-93 Los Manantiales, Guatemala-01054 Guatemala
+50255104725 - +50255104725