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Prevención del sindrome del tunel carpiano
Título traducido al inglés
Prevention of carpal tunnel syndrome
Enlace del producto (http:// o https://)
Descripción del producto
The component seeks to provide program users with the knowledge necessary to enable their active participation in current and future health promotion and prevention strategies for carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) based on an understanding of its causes and effects.
Educational intervention seeks to empower users to "increase control over their health to improve it... not focusing solely on treatment and cure" (Health Promotion WHO Glossary)
Principles of the component:
1. It is focused on providing basic knowledge about the history of the (CTS) and the mechanisms by which it is developed, linking them with recommendations for prevention or early detection.
It is aimed at three types of users:
User 1: Senior management, LRA advisors
User 2: SSYST staff, COPASST members, supervisors, health professionals, ARL advisors
User 3: Worker
3.It has quality contents, referenced and coming from a current and relevant bibliography review. However, given that the profile of the main user of the information is not necessarily that of a health professional, the contents have a volume and language friendly to each of them.
The contents are accompanied by different graphic and organizational resources to encourage adherence to their use.
The contents of the educational component and its organization are based on the need to comply with a series of steps to promote, ultimately, the achievement of changes in adults. To this end, it is proposed to follow the steps proposed by Jeffrey M. Hyatt in his model of change, as a path to learning and modification of habits in the participants of this educational strategy. The five steps of the model, by its acronym in English called ADKAR, are Awareness, Desire, Knowledge, Action and Reinforcement
Development of a prevention strategy focused on the specific needs of each company, this consideration is based on the fact that although there are operationally similar tasks in the various companies, in the productive reality deep and specific changes are operated associated to the nature of the processes, to the forms of organization and essentially to the mechanisms of diffusion of the prevention criteria and the effective knowledge of the condition to which each worker is exposed.
The strategy is developed in two domains, one centred on actions at work and the other centred on the domain of individual actions. The strategy focuses on micro-content focused, dosed and designed to increase the level of knowledge of companies and individuals, at the level of the different actors of the company: Top management, supervisors and operators in order to
increase their capacity to identify best practices in anticipation and forecasting, which are central to the objective of achieving sustainable JTS prevention in enterprises.
The educational component seeks to provide program users with the necessary knowledge to enable their active participation in health promotion and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) prevention strategies.
Objetivos y metas
This is a series of short, informative contents, developed in striking terms that make the user aware and aware of
The need for change: to take responsibility for doing "what is in their hands".
The support of your company and your insurance company.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) consists of a "Neuropathy due to entrapment of the median nerve as it passes through the carpal tunnel (between the long palmar tendon and the radial carpal flexor). The median nerve and nine other tendons with their synovial sheaths pass through the carpal tunnel. Inflammation of these tendons increases the pressure inside the tunnel causing compression to the median nerve" (Frontera, Silver, & Rizzo Jr, 2015, p. 952). "According to the analysis of the available data on the behavior of the STC by sectors and types of companies affiliated to Positiva Compañía de Seguros S.A., it is established that the development of a prevention strategy focused on the specific needs of each of these companies is required" (GiSCYT Research Group, 2018, p. 1).
In order to provide a solution to this problem, a series of questions were asked: How is the problem represented, what are the barriers to possible improvements, and what are the expectations for a solution? All with the aim of consolidating a strategy for the prevention of CTS that responds to the expectations of different actors involved in the diagnosis, suffering and solution of this disease.
As a methodological route, the execution and analysis of the following products is contemplated:
Bibliographic review in databases of articles published between 1991 and 2018 on prevention strategies for CTS.
Carrying out a conversation on the prevention of Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSD) in the working population, from which they resulted:
o29 individual surveys
o6 group surveys
oGraphic material on the representation that each participating table made of the CTS.
A conversation was held on the 8th of December, which resulted in some questions about the dimensions, strategies and evaluations that different companies had regarding the management of DME.
Virtual questionnaire to company advisors, health professionals and workers in general about JTS prevention strategies.
Virtual questionnaire to a database tracking perceptions, determinants, prevention strategies, and conceptual approach to CTS.
Interviews with professionals in the areas of Medicine and Occupational Health, as well as people who have suffered from CTS, to analyze different ways of approaching the factors that determine it and prevention strategies in this regard.
Technical data web portal.
The URL of the web portal is https://prevenciondme.com/
The protocol used is HTTPS (secure protocol) so that the data that users record always travels and is encrypted.
The users that can be used for content review purposes are:
Manager role
Occupational Risk Management Role
Worker's role
In the home page we can see the articles that are common to all users, some of these articles are of public access (all those of the prevention program menu), others are articles where the user must either login or create a user account to be able to see the content.
The activity of recommending a partner or a company is in the menu highlighting your partner.
The rest of the functions are in the administration profile.
Technical description of the portal content
Backend - administrator
- Administrator Login
- Editing web zones
- User registration and activity tracking (user log)
- Registration of staff shipments to workers with good practices and recommendations
- Public and private zone permits
- Gamification, badges and exercise activity rewards
- Log off
Frontend - Web portal
- Home view
- Login by user
- General information Images and audio through Micro content with Segments
short and focused on:
o Definition of carpal tunnel syndrome
o Causes
o Intra-occupational risk factors
o Extralaboral risk factors
o Other contributing factors
o Symptoms (stages)
o Diagnosis
o Treatment
○ Non-surgical
○ Surgical
- General information Images and audio through Micro content with Segments
short and focused with specialized language in:
o Definition of carpal tunnel syndrome
o Simple anatomical description (possibility of including videos or prima pictures)
o Causes
o Intra-occupational risk factors
o Extra-occupational risk factors
o Symptoms (stages)
o Early Warning Signs
o Diagnosis
o Treatment
- Exercise
- Use of exo devices (splints)
- Surgery (videos and images)
- What to do and when (prevention strategies, specialized counseling foraccording to the factor (contextual, organizational, individual)
o Flowcharts according to the epidemiological surveillance system for EMD in the company
o Products offered by the ARL to SSyST personnel, members of Copasst, supervisors, health professionals
- Looking out for a colleague's well-being
- 1. form
- Access to send an email to a worker
o Preventive recommendations for carpal tunnel syndrome
- Choice of safe behaviour to prevent STC (selectfrom a list)
- Proper use of furniture and tools (mouse, keyboard, chair) recommendationsergonomic (selected from a list)
- Use of adapted postures (selected from a list)
- Possibility to choose and highlight the positive aspects of the partner to preventCTS
o Active global stretching program to prevent carpal tunnel syndrome
- Videos
- (Choice of behaviour: use of furniture and tools, use of postures
correct or perform self-care exercises)
- General information Images and audio through Micro content with Segmentsshort and focused with simple language in:
o Definition of carpal tunnel syndrome
o Simple anatomical description (possibility of including videos or prima pictures)
o Causes
o Intra-occupational risk factors
o Extra-occupational risk factors
o Symptoms (stages)
o Early Warning Signs
o Diagnosis
o Treatment
- Exercise
- Use of exo-devices (splints, bands, others)
- Intervention by surgery
- Process
- Recovery
- Unwanted effects
- A new self-interaction program:
- Activating attention disables stress
- 1. Intracompany self-care
o Preventive recommendations for carpal tunnel syndrome
- Invite to action
- Choice of safe behaviour to prevent STC (listing)
- Proper use of furniture (mouse, keyboard, chair) ergonomic recommendations(listed)
- Use of correct postures (listing)
- Renew and Reeducate
o Active global stretching program to prevent carpal tunnel syndrome (videos)
- Mirror application with grid
o Active global stretching program when the first symptoms of the syndrome appear carpal tunnel (videos)
- 2. Self-care outside of work
o Recommendations on activities of daily living and basic daily living (man or woman) (videos)
- 3. Alternative techniques or therapies
or Rolfing
or Feldenkrais
or Yoga
or Mindfulness
- 4. Module: I solve my doubts:
- Identification and profile of the person consulting
o Questionnaire that asks about symptoms and allows you to point them out on a hand diagram
o Ask a question (receive feed back)
- 5. Acting in side and off side
- Recommendations to keep symptoms from getting worse
o Intra-labor
o Extralaboral
- 6. Testimonials Short videos of workers with carpal tunnel syndrome and operated by
carpal tunnel syndrome
Público objetivo
Workers, supervisor, chief
Datos de contacto del editor / del empresa productora
Universidad del Rosario
Carrera 24 No 63C69, Colombia-110231 Bogota
5712970200 - 5730066165394 juancas61@gmail.com https://pure.urosario.edu.co/es/persons/castillo-m-juan-a