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Safe Set Work for Every-Body
Título traducido al inglés
Safe Set Work for Every-Body
Película: Duración en minutos
64 minutos
Descripción del producto
Safe Set Work for Every-Body (64 mins.) is an instructional documentary featuring The Welcoming Workplace and the Canadian Internal Responsibility System (IRS) as occupational safety factors both backstage and behind-the-camera. Interviews with experts in the field and animated infographics contextualize live action scenery-shifting demonstrations. All the while, our antic artwork has a little fun in tackling this cautionary subject!
We maintain that the tensions between diversity and inclusion are resolved through best practices in occupational safety, including:
- proper occupational wear
- posture and ergonomics
- the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OS&HA)and Regulations (The Green Book)
- classical set handling
- the Welcoming Workplace
- the Canadian Internal Responsibility System
Objetivos y metas
“The tension between diversity and inclusion are resolved through best practices in occupational safety” (Safe Set Work, 00:16:05-00:16:14) in any industry.
Three factors sparked the creation of Safe Set Work for Every-Body:
- Without a dedicated course in scenery handling safety for all students such as the School of Performance enjoys, The School of Image Arts Film Program neededan accessible means of demonstrating (sound)stage set practice. While no substitute for hands-on drills under expert supervision, at least there could be an audio-motion-picture standard for production courses in both programmes.
- Social habits of exclusion qualify women’s and visible minorities’ access to education and careers. Academia is in the position of disrupting systemic shortfalls by educating a new generation of well-informed and competent entrants to the entertainment industry.
An opportunity. As a member of the Directors Guild of Canada/La Guilde Canadienne des Réalisateurs, Valérie obtained a one-day’s pass to the 2014 Annual Hot Docs Industry Conference, including a presentation by Johanna Blakely, Managing Director and Director of Research at the Norman Lear Center. Appalled by the employment statistics for women in the American film industry reported by Stacey Smith and in The Geena Davis Institute on Gender in Media, she wondered how Canada compared. In 2014, that was a dangerous question. (Spoiler alert: Canada and other countries are on par.)
Público objetivo
Live Theatre and Film Stagehands
"The SJFF conducts forward-thinking outreach through initiatives that include Safety Grants specifically designated to cover the costs of appropriate set safety on student films across the United States and Canada. Our goal is to change the culture of the
Premios recibidos
Faculty of Communications and Design Dean’s Teaching Award at the Ryerson Awards Night on Wednesday, March 28, 2018
Datos de contacto del editor
Urban Post-Production
22 Boston Avenue - ON , Canada-M4M 2T9 Toronto, Ontario
011+416-203-6655 - 011+416-203-6655011+416-203-2621 christian@urbanpost.ca http://urbanpost.ca
Datos de contacto del empresa productora
Polyglot Press & Promotions
77 Winnifred Avenue, ca-M4M2X2 Toronto, Ontario
011+416-469-4232011+416-469-4232+011-416-979-5139 vkaelin@ryerson.ca