"Screenlove", Ergonomie am Arbeitsplatz
Título traducido al inglés
"Screenlove", ergonomics at the workplace
Película: Duración en minutos
14:07 minutos
Descripción del producto
Embedded in an entertaining background story, seven episodes present essential details of computer workstations, the related furniture, such as tables, chairs, document holders and footrest. Moreover, the film presents how negative influences can be eliminated or minimized and how a workplace can be designed economically.
Objetivos y metas
Video to give new impetus to enhance awareness
Ergonomic workplace design in the office
Público objetivo
For instruction purposes of employees
Datos de contacto del editor
AUVA-Hauptstelle, Abt.: Sicherheitsmarketing, Presse
Adalbert-Stifter-Straße65, Austria-1200 Wien
+4359393 22906 ferdinand.haslinger@auva.at www.auva.at
Datos de contacto del empresa productora
Neulandfilm & Medien GmbH
Renngasse12/2 - Lukas Sturm , Austria-1010 Wien
+43(0)15332524+43(0)1533252430 office@neulandfilm.at