Verhalten im Notfall einfach erklärt (explainity® Erklärvideo)

Título traducido al inglés

How to react in a case of emergency easily explained

Película: Duración en minutos

02:57 minutos

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Descripción del producto

Simon from the explainity educational clip Behavior in the emergency simply explained has witnessed an accident. From that moment he makes the right decisions. This clip refreshes briefly the right behavior in an emergency.

Objetivos y metas

The right behavior in an emergency can save lives. And: Everyone can help.

The short film was created as part of the non-commercial "Explainity education project" and was made available free of charge to the general public on the video platform. Within one year the video has been played almost 10,000 times over our YouTube channel.

Público objetivo

All audiences

Datos de contacto del editor

explainity GmbH
Am Berge 36, Deutschland-21335 Lüneburg

Datos de contacto del empresa productora

explainity GmbH
Am Berge 36, Deutschland-21335 Lüneburg