Título traducido al inglés
Protection against ticks
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Descripción del producto
The key module is the APP with the following content: • General and medical information Where do we find ticks? What types of illnesses can be transmitted by ticks? How can you protect yourself? • Removal of ticks Explanatory film and use of a tick card • How to deal with tick bites in children day-care centres Insurance cover, legal context and specific procedure after tick bites • Documentation of tick bites Collect personal and geographical data, photo documentation, email notification • Overview TBE (tick-borne encephalitis) risk areas in Germany (as of May 2016) • Further useful links For practical help to remove ticks children day-care centres may be provided with a tick card. The explanatory film of the app shows how to use the tick card. The tick card is provided to Hessian children day-care centres free of charge.
Objetivos y metas
Starting from early summer, tick bites may occur during excursions or while children are playing at sports grounds or at green-planted areas of children day-care centres. Ticks are feared because they carry diseases transmitted by viruses and bacteria. The disease most commonly carried by ticks is Lyme disease and tick-borne encephalitis (TBE). To reduce the risk of infection it is highly recommended from a medical standpoint to remove the tick as soon as possible after discovery.The responsible personnel in children day-care centres and schools are to learn from a reliable source (German Social Accident Insurance Institution for the public sector) what to do in this case. Both medical and legal questions are answered. The Accident Insurance Institution for the public sector provides a clear recommendation for action and guidance on a subject which has been associated with uncertainty so far on the part of the children day-care centre personnel.The app asks the personnel to act in the best interest of the child. It provides simple instructions for removing a tick as well as for documenting the process. In addition, the relevant web page ("landing page") provides a template for download. This written agreement on the procedure to be applied in the case of a tick bite includes binding rules between the childcare facility and the legal guardian.
The specialists at elementary level explicitly ask for a statement of the German Social Accident Insurance Institution for the public sector in Hesse on the question of the safe AND permitted removal of ticks. The reference to already existing information such as of the German Social Accident Insurance (DGUV) is not considered applicable and transferrable to everyday life in Hessian children day-care centres. There are misunderstandings and uncertainties especially with regard to the legal aspect of the issue. The idea of providing the necessary information by means of a mobile application ("app") corresponds to the practice of increasingly using mobile devices as a work tool.
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Público objetivo
Educational personnel Managers of child day-care centres Children in day-care centres, kindergarten and day nursery
Datos de contacto del editor
Unfallkasse Hessen
Leonardo-da-Vinci-Allee20 - Prävention , Deutschland-60486 Frankfurt am Main
t.kunz@ukh.de www.ukh.de
Datos de contacto del empresa productora
Garage51 GmbH
Daimlerstraße32, Deutschland-60314 Frankfurt am Main