Escape room Incident investigation game

Titre traduit en anglais

Escape room Incident investigation game

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Description du produit

Through an Escape room the participants collect evidence and facts to understand how the accident occured. The aim is to escape in less than 60 min. Then, the participants complete the mapping by asking “5 whys” and sort causes from the mapping to the right categories (Plant/Process/People). It is a collaborative, interactive and challenging tool.

Objectif et finalité

Following a client's request, we developed an escape room on the investigation incident. The aim is to make people learn in a playful way : Identify Incident Investigation steps and Root Cause Analysis methodology. The success of the escape room and the construction of the RCA demonstrates that the participants understood and were able to apply the methodology to find the root causes that led to the accident.

Public cible

Jeunes travailleurs, Petites et moyennes entreprises (PME), Superviseurs et managers, Spécialistes de la SST

Coordonnées de l'éditeur / de la société de production

Aegide international
2 rue du Jardin de l'Ars - 6ème étage , France-33800 Bordeaux
+33645970335 - +33645970335