Titre traduit en anglais


Film: Durée en minutes

01:40 minutes

Description du produit

The commercial "Ondt Vand" ("Evil Water") is built up like a scene from a horror movie, which focuses on the fact that water can be dangerous for the skin and that it is important to use protective gloves when working with wet materials. By the means of the horror genre, the "invisible" danger of wet work is been made visible and tangible, and the message to use gloves has got a strong emotional appeal. The commercial is shot in a cinematic widescreen format, with dark and film-noir-like lighting, and there are subtle references to other horror movies and series, including the series "Stranger Things", which has just ended another season and is popular among young people.

Objectif et finalité

Young employees are particularly vulnerable when it comes to working with wet materials. Therefore, BFA Service - Tourism wanted to target a campaign to young employees between the ages of 16-24 who work as hairdressers, cosmetologists, cleaning assistants, and employees within the hotel and restaurant industry. The 100-second commercial has been run as an advertisement on social media, including YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok. The creative approach has ensured good engagement with the audience and high likability. For example, on YouTube, the average viewing time has been a whole 83.4%, and 40% have watched the entire commercial.

Public cible

Jeunes travailleurs


Awareness campaign

Coordonnées de l'éditeur

BFA Service - Turisme
Kampmannsgade 4, Denmark-1790 Copenhagen
+45 88 92 01 43 - +45 24 23 27 51 https://bfa-service.dk

Coordonnées de la société de production

Rantzausgade 60A, dk-DK-2200 Nørrebro
+4540154035 https://pong.land