Abgelenkt? ... bleib auf Kurs!

Titre traduit en anglais

Distracted? ... Remain on track!

Film: Durée en minutes

09:19 minutes

Description du produit

An identical scene is shown from the perspective of three different road users (motorists, moped riders, pedestrians) and points out the specific distraction hazards in an entertaining manner.

Objectif et finalité

Within the framework of the annual key actions of the UK/BG accident insurers and the the German Council for Traffic Safety (DVR) the videos want to inform on the risks of "distraction" in an entertaining and emotional way and raise awareness about the issue.

The films are part of the UK/BG/DVR focus action. The films can be used individually or as a series in occupational road safety work and speak to different groups of road users.

Public cible

The videos on "distracted driving" want to reach all insured persons of German Social Accident Insurance Institution for the public sector or German Social Accident Insurance Institution for trade and industry (approximately 60 million people).

Coordonnées de l'éditeur

Deutscher Verkehrssicherheitsrat e.V. – DVR
Auguststraße29, Germany-53229 Bonn
49(0)228400017449(0)2284000115 www.dvr.de

Coordonnées de la société de production

sw media
Nünningstraße6 - Gesellschaft für Kommunikation und elektronische Medien mbH , Germany-45141 Essen
+49(0)20121810+49(0)201216915 www.sw-media.de