Ankommen! Nicht umkommen.
Titre traduit en anglais
Getting there instead of getting killed!
Film: Durée en minutes
2:10 minutes
Description du produit
After an alarm three volunteer fire-fighters set out on the way to the fire station - one uses a car, another goes by bicycle and the third walks quickly. Since all of them do not take the necessary precaution it comes to a serious accident at the fire station when all of them arrive at the same time.
Objectif et finalité
The video clip "Getting there instead of getting killed! demonstrates in a short, concise manner, what is important: After an alarm remain calm and in control and approach the fire station quickly and safely. Finally, the safe arrival at the fire station or location is the ultimate goal. The accident insurers "Feuerwehr- Unfallkasse" consciously dispensed with producing a training film with educational character. The short video clip shall raise safety awareness of younger firefighters in particular.
Each year, voluntary firemen are victims of accidents when afer an alarm they set off to the fire station. Serious accidents happen, for example, if with zeal they drive too quickly with the car or bicycle or run to fast. Unfortunately, with a sad outcome, because in the past the "Feuerwehr-Unfallcasse" had even accidents that were fatal or resulted in serious injuries.
- Prevention and health guidelines for the safe driving_1.2
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- Prevention and health guidelines for the safe driving_1.7
- Prevention and health guidelines for the safe driving_1.5
- Folder AUVA-Arbeitsstoffverzeichnis
- Travel Planner
- "Echt jetzt?!" Posterserie zur Arbeitsplatzhygiene
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- Pressemitteilung CO2-Timer
- Prevention and health guidelines for the safe driving_1.3
- Prevention and health guidelines for the safe driving_1.4
- Prevention and health guidelines for the safe driving_1.8
- Prevention and health guidelines for the safe driving_1.9
- Prevention and health guidelines for the safe driving_1.10
- Prevention and health guidelines for the safe driving_1.11
- Prevention and health guidelines for the safe driving_1.12
- Prevention and health guidelines for the safe driving_1.13
- Prevention and health guidelines for the safe driving_3.1
- Prevention and health guidelines for the safe driving_3.2
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- 1_WISOM_Flyeransicht_ohne DEKRA.pdf
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- Speak Up Save Lives App - Award Submission 2023
- Speak Up Save Lives App - Campaign assets
- Speak Up Save Lives App - Radio ad
- Speak Up Save Lives App - Award Submission 2023
- Speak Up Save Lives App - Campaign assets
- Speak Up Save Lives App - Radio ad
- Speak Up Save Lives App - Award Submission 2023
- Speak Up Save Lives App - Campaign assets
- Speak Up Save Lives App - Radio ad
Public cible
Fire-fighting personnel
Coordonnées de l'éditeur
Hanseatische Feuerwehr-Unfallkasse Nord
Hopfenstraße2d, Germany-24114 Kiel
Coordonnées de la société de production
Leuchtturm Productions
Harmsstraße69, Germany-24114 Kiel