Because we're worth it
Titre traduit en anglais
Because we're worth it
Film: Durée en minutes
13:43 minutes
Description du produit
It is a short documentary film where we confront young hairstyling students and their expectations with two cases from real life, a hairstylist that for years had to stop working because of severe hand eczema, and another that had to abandon her career as a stylist for good because of joint pain in the shoulders. Their cases are commented by specialists who give advice about prevention.
Objectif et finalité
The film focuses on the value of prevention of especially hand eczema and muscle and joint pain.
Hairstylists only last 8.5 uears from when they start training, and 4 out of 10 hairstylists abandon the job due to allerbgies, eczema or muscle and joint pain. With this film we want to strengthen to schools possibilities to teach the students about prevention and create new habits early in their career.
Public cible
The target audience is hairstyling apprentices. The film is made to be integrated in class education of health and safety at the Danish hairdstyling schools.
Coordonnées de l'éditeur
Branchearbejdsmiljørådet for service og tjenesteydelser
H. C. Andersens Boulevard38, Denmark-1553 København V
Coordonnées de la société de production
Tabula Rasa
Flæsketorvet68, Denmark-1711 Copenhagen