Das ist kein Kindergarten
Titre traduit en anglais
This is not a kindergarten
Film: Durée en minutes
01:12 minutes
Description du produit
The short film "This is not a kindergarten" compares two different life contexts. First, a little boy is shown balancing on a wooden beam on a playground. In parallel, a rigger is shown working at great height on a cross-member. Both - the child and the rigger - are very focused and put one foot before the other. Suddenly, the boy slipps off, but takes the hand of the accompanying educator and doesn´t fall. At the end of the wooden beam the child jumps from a height of about 50 cm and lands safely in the playground sand. The scene switches to the rigger who also is working concentrated until he suddenly also slip off with one foot, threatens to fall. But he is wearing his personal protection equipment which prevents him from falling from height; he falls into this fall protection. The message is: Rigger protect their lives only if they always wear their PPE!
Objectif et finalité
The video "This is not a kindergarten" is part of the VBG-motivation campaign "Lock it!" In addition to secure the public, all who are working every day during the event face daily risks which have to be identified, evaluated and prevented. Fatal accidents caused by falling from height frequently occur. In most cases a lack of fall protection causes the fatal accidents. Causes of accidents are: Rigger leave their rescue harness on the floor - apparently under time pressure. Rigger use defective PPE against falls, riggers do not secure correctly or they choose the wrong attachment points. With this motivation campaign VBG in cooperation with the trade associations DTHG and VPLT want to motivate riggers to consistent and correct use of a fully functional PPE to prevent falling.
To achieve the campaign objectives mentioned the medium film in our view offers several advantages: - The target group is media-related, i.e. there is a great willingness to look (short) videos (viewing habits: YouTube videos, etc.); - A film targets many senses at once; - The scenic presentation shows the working world of the target group and create personal involvement - Videos ensure a quick circulation with a vast reach (keyword: viral marketing)
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- Speak Up Save Lives App - Campaign assets
- Speak Up Save Lives App - Radio ad
- Speak Up Save Lives App - Award Submission 2023
- Speak Up Save Lives App - Campaign assets
- Speak Up Save Lives App - Radio ad
Public cible
Target group of the media are riggers (event technicians). They work at a wide range of events as major concert events, shows or trade fairs. They are event technicians who often work at great height. They provide for building and removal of the so
Prix gagnés
2011: 2. prize at media competence network RheinMain in the category "campain"
Coordonnées de l'éditeur
Verwaltungs-Berufsgenossenschaft – VBG
Deelbögenkamp4, Germany-22297 Hamburg
+49(0)4051462662+49(0)4051462758 stephanie.jurgeleit@vbg.de www.vbg.de
Coordonnées de la société de production
Taunusstraße52 - Gesellschaft für Werbung und Kommunikation mbH , Germany-65183 Wiesbaden
+49(0)409030190+49(0)409030197 info@cicero-kommunikation.de