Einweisen beim Rückwärtsfahren - BG VERKEHR

Titre traduit en anglais

Reversing safely

Film: Durée en minutes

10 minutes

Description du produit

Giving correct instructions for reversing trucks

Objectif et finalité

Explanatory film/push animation for operational instruction on a specific partial aspect of a complex process, here the instruction when reversing trucks.

When reversing his truck, how can the driver be sure that there is enough space left? He cannot see in his mirrors whether there are obstacles or even people. In order to nevertheless be able to reverse a truck, a marshalling person is needed. The animated film provides some tips and instructions for this purpose. It was created in several languages and thus also takes employees without German language skills into account.

Public cible

Truck drivers

Coordonnées de l'éditeur

BG Verkehr
Ôttenser Hauptsctraße 54, Deutschland-22765 Hamburg

Coordonnées de la société de production

Plonkser Media GmbH
Ostbahnstraße 31, Deutschland-76829 Landau