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Titre traduit en anglais
Film: Durée en minutes
02:42 minutes
Description du produit
Operation Car Wash:
Artificial and human intelligence demonstrate with self-mockery how the perfect disinfection works on sleek bolides
Objectif et finalité
Disinfection saves lives. Nonetheless, regarding this topic, you should not always lead your team with a raised forefinger. Despite the serious corona situation, you can also convey preventive measures in the workplace in a humorous way. This usually sticks in the mind for a longer time.
Public cible
Jeunes travailleurs
Prix gagnés
kommmitmensch Film & Media Festival 2021 / Young Professionals
Coordonnées de l'éditeur / de la société de production
mococo medienmanufaktur
Hohenzollernstraße 2a, Germany-90475 Nürnberg
+49 911 9833923 redaktion@mococo.de https://mococo.de/