Dal Centro paraplegici Inail di Ostia alle prime Paralimpiadi del 1960
Titre traduit en anglais
From the Inail Paraplegic Center in Ostia to the first Paralympics in 1960
Film: Durée en minutes
17:28 minutes
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Description du produit
The documentary shows the organization within the Centre and the sport-therapy activities that led to the realization of the first Paralympic Games. Directed by Inail doctor, Antonio Maglio, the Center became a model for the rehabilitation of people with spinal model injury, at the time mainly injured at work and war veterans. Maglio organized the games for people with disabilities in Rome for the Olympics in 1960, so that they could take place in the same venue and immediately after such an important event.
Objectif et finalité
The documentary aims to make known, with a historical perspective, one of the institutional activities of Inail: the rehabilitation of people with working disabilities. And show how through sport it is possible to recover a complete psychophysical well-being and re-enter the social and working world. Over the years, the Inail has added to its traditional function of insurance provider, a broader protection of the person who has suffered an accident at work or an occupational disease. The documentary also shows that the heritage of skills that today belongs to us, has its roots in those years.
Public cible
Spécialistes de la SST, Autres (veuillez préciser) : Rehabilitation specialists
Coordonnées de l'éditeur / de la société de production
+39 06 54875608 b.sabetta@inail.it http://inail.it