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Small Actions. Big Results.
Titre traduit en anglais
Small Actions. Big Results.
Film: Durée en minutes
1 minutes
URL du produit que vous souhaitez soumettre (http:// or https://)
Description du produit
This :30 sec TV ad encourages employers to take small actions, such as engaging workers in health and safety, to help create a positive health and safety culture. By simplying talking with workers, worker feel heard, it builds trust, and creates a safer workplace for everyone. Small actions can lead to big results when it comes to health and safety.
Objectif et finalité
The objective of this advertisement was to get employers to view a strong health & safety culture as a means to improve their productivity, workforce engagement, and corporate reputation, by drawing attention to the positive impacts to position health & safety culture as a primary KPI through which we can measure a company’s success.
Public cible
Petites et moyennes entreprises (PME), Superviseurs et managers, Autres (veuillez préciser) : High-risk industries including manufacturing, retail, hospitality
Health & safety culture campaign
Coordonnées de l'éditeur / de la société de production
6951 Westminster Hwy, Canada-V7C 1C6 Richmond
+1-604-214-6778 janice.twiss@worksafebc.com https://www.worksafebc.com