Just Safe Event - Njörd
Titre traduit en anglais
Just Safe Event - Njörd
Film: Durée en minutes
4:53 minutes
Description du produit
The product represents a new level of intervention that allows staff to start more easily communicating about safety. In a way, it is a softer version of Stop, it’s called „Njörd“. It was established during a safety event, that has been developed for our employees which took place in Spring 2022 multiple times for employees and contractors. It was developed by an internal team commonly with an external creative company. A series of events in a special environment to create positive memories, laughter, get-together, and focus on Safety.
Objectif et finalité
The main criteria was to engage attendees to act and practice a safety mindset understanding the importance of saying ‘Stop’ and taking action with a focus on the Hierarchy of Interventions, that even received another level throughout this event: Njörd! A strong part to convey the message was the humorous aspect and the positivity that has been influenced by the atmosphere created…and Njörd!
Public cible
Jeunes travailleurs
Coordonnées de l'éditeur
Siemens Gamesa Renewables GmbH & Co.KG
Beim Strohhause 17-31, Germany-20097 Hamburg
+491734319141 - +491734319141 andreas.wessels@siemensgamesa.com https://www.siemensgamesa.com/
Coordonnées de la société de production
das Netz.org
Werfelring 76c, de-22175 Hamburg
+491791146119+491791146119 mail@michaelreffi.de