Tunge Løft

Titre traduit en anglais

Heavy lifting

Film: Durée en minutes

01:23 minutes

Description du produit

The speed drawing film "Heavy lifting" ons out of a total of 11 animated films targeted at the Danish Defence, which will be used to instruct personnel on accident and injury prevention. The film "Heavy lifting" is about the risks of working with heavy loads and the importance of using technical aids, getting help from a colleague, and being physically trained for the task. The film is used together with supplementary teaching material tailored to the target audience.

Objectif et finalité

The Danish Defence hires a large number of new employees every year, many of whom are young and have little experience in the workforce. It is therefore important to provide adequate training and instruction in a wide range of areas early on. The goal of the films is to develop a format that both visualizes complex messages in an easy-to-remember and understandable way and keeps the costs of each film to an absolute minimum, allowing for the production of many instructional films for little money. The films are simply structured around an educational speak and a few animated illustrations that are used to exemplify situations and highlight the most important messages and terms.

Public cible

Jeunes travailleurs, Superviseurs et managers, Autres (veuillez préciser)

Coordonnées de l'éditeur

BFA Service - Turisme
Kampmannsgade 4, Denmark-1790 Copenhagen
+45 88 92 01 43 - +45 24 23 27 51 https://bfa-service.dk

Coordonnées de la société de production

Christopher Boecks Allé 84, dk-DK-2860 Søborg
+45 60663822 https://tankespil.dk