Bitte pass auf meinen Papa auf

Titre traduit en anglais

Please take care of my Daddy

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Description du produit

Please take care of my daddy! The Autobahn GmbH Southwest with safety campaign for road maintenance workers, that raises awareness for their risks. Instead using the technical term “safety”, the message get across in a more emotional and authentic way by children who are worried about their parents. No actors but road maintenance workers with their own children. Their thoroughly honest call to take care of their dads goes right to the heart. This won’t leave anyone untouched. Billboards are being installed with QR-Code leading to the videos Youtube, Facebook and Instagram.

Objectif et finalité

We have two goals. 1. Raises awareness of every driver for the risks that our road maintenance workers face while collecting rubbish an do theit job by showing that they are not only workers but also fathers with family. Second: The Campaign are also made for our employees giving them an audience that shows our respect to their work.

Public cible

Autres (veuillez préciser) : all drivers on all highways

video for social media and billboards

Coordonnées de l'éditeur / de la société de production

Autobahn GmbH
Augsburger Straße 748, Germany-70329 Stuttgart
01745741208 - 0049 1745741208