Faces of Work-related COPD - What is Work-related COPD?

Titre traduit en anglais

Faces of Work-related COPD - What is Work-related COPD?

Film: Durée en minutes

5:32 minutes

Description du produit

Faces of Work-related COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder) is an impact video series of 4 videos:

  • What is Work-related COPD?
  • COPD and Work-related Exposure
  • COPD and Quality of Life
  • COPD - Minimizing the Risks

This first video explains what work-related COPD is and provides discussion from a pulmonary physician and patients who have been diagnosed with the disease and their overall experiences having it.

Objectif et finalité

While tobacco smoke is the most common exposure that causes COPD, it can also be caused by exposures in the workplace.

The Faces of Work-related COPD video series is part of a National Occupational Research Agenda (NORA), Respiratory Health Cross-Sector initiative. The Respiratory Health Cross-Sector is intended to identify research, information, and actions most urgently needed to prevent work-related respiratory disease and improve workers' respiratory health. The goal of these videos is to create awareness that COPD can be related to exposures in the workplace, the disease can have a devastating impact on workers and their families, and there are ways to minimize the risks of work-related COPD.

Public cible

Workers and health professionals

Coordonnées de l'éditeur / de la société de production

1000 Frederick Lane, United States-26508 Morgantown