Filling and Maintenance of Liquid Nitrogen Tanks
Titre traduit en anglais
Filling and Maintenance of Liquid Nitrogen Tanks
Film: Durée en minutes
17 minutes
URL du produit que vous souhaitez soumettre (http:// or https://)
Description du produit
The video shows the safety features of liquid nitrogen tanks and shows the safe process of filling the tanks from a bulk liquid nitrogen source.
Objectif et finalité
Hazards associated with liquid nitrogen Parts of a liquid nitrogen tank including the safety features Safely dispensing liquid nitrogen and handling cryo tubes Filling a liquid nitrogen tank at a dispensing facility and what to do in an emergency Safely transporting liquid nitrogen within a building Other cryogenic liquids requiring additional safety considerations
Liquid nitrogen tanks are closed vessels. Unlike cryogen dewars, pressure relief is afforded through a set of safety or pressure relief valves or rupture disks. When tanks and their pressure relief devices are not properly maintained significant incidents can and have occurred. The video is intended to prevent incidents through safety awareness.
Public cible
End users filling portable liquid nitrogen tanks from a bulk tank.
Coordonnées de l'éditeur
Northwestern University Office for Research Safety
, United States-60208-3121 Evanston, IL
Coordonnées de la société de production
Northwestern University Advanced Media Production Studio
, -60208 Evanston, IL