Kreuz gesund! Statt Rücken rund

Titre traduit en anglais

Healthy back instead of back rounded!

Film: Durée en minutes

2:10 minutes

Description du produit

The plot of the video clip focusses on the back. A fire department member expressly pointed out before lifting the heavy portable pump: "Do it in the correct way!" By "correct" he pointed out to a healthy body posture when lifting such a heavy device: With straight back as possible, crouch and with bent legs. The four firefighters do it incorrect and immediately feel the consequence. Instead of "back-healthy" now the "back is round". Accordingly negative consequences in daily life and in fire brigade operations are inevitable, as seen in the clip.

Objectif et finalité

The video clip is an appeal to all fire fighters to think of their back health when lifting or carrying heavy loads.

It can happen very quickly. A heavy equipment is lifted incorrectly and a strong pain runs the back and you can only straighten your back with distress. Especially at the fire department the equipment is heavy and can be lifted and transported only with several persons. These include portable pumps, generators, hydraulic power units and hydraulic rescue tools. The fire brigade accident insurance often receives work accident notifications because firefighters suffer from strained muscels caused by carrying excessive loads and require medical treatment. The video conveys the message in a simple and concise manner and with a "wink". It wants to reawaken the conscience for back-friendly postures when lifting and carrying heavy fire equipment; and this is not difficult. Back pain because of strained muscles need not be!

Public cible

Fire-fighting personnel and junior fire-fighters

Coordonnées de l'éditeur

Hanseatische Feuerwehr-Unfallkasse Nord
Hopfenstraße2d, Germany-24114 Kiel

Coordonnées de la société de production

Leuchtturm Productions
Harmsstraße69, Germnay-24114 Kiel