Kunnossapidon riskit hallintaan
Titre traduit en anglais
Maintenance risks in control
Film: Durée en minutes
8´46´´ film/dvd + 4 interviews/dvd: 2´53´´+ 3´43´´ + 4´26´´ + 4´24 minutes
Description du produit
This DVD-program has 5 different parts: 1. Motivation film "Maintenance risks in control" ( 8 minutes 46 seconds) 2. Four different short interviews with occupational safety and health specialists (2 minutes 53 seconds + 3 minutes 43 seconds + 4 minutes 26 seconds + 4 minutes 24 seconds) In motivation film one big milk pump is broken in diary and it must be replaced. Diary is using harmful chemicals when cleaning pipes. This film story is giving pratical guidance and advice how maintenance work can be carried safely without any work-related accidents and occupational diseases. In short interviews occupational safety and health specialists are telling what are the biggest maintenace risks and how they can be prevented.
Objectif et finalité
How maintenance and repair work can be carried safely. The aim is: zero accidents! DVD-program motivates and gives practical guidance and advice.
We are using this DVD-program in occupational safety and health education (specially in work orientation and guidance) in working place level in mills and plants. We are using this DVD also as important part of national level "occupational safety card" education.
Public cible
1. Managers and supervisors in Finnish industry in general2. Managers and supervisors in maintenance and service business 3. Maintenance and repair workers4. Occupational safety and health specialists and representatives
Coordonnées de l'éditeur
Karissa Ltd
Näkki3 F, Finland-2320 Espoo
358(0)400445384 kari.rissa@rissa.fi www.ttk.fi
Coordonnées de la société de production
Karissa Ltd
Näkki3 F, Finland-02320 Espoo
00358400445384 kari.rissa@rissa.fi