Medidas Preventivas frente al Riesgo de Agresión en Comercios
Titre traduit en anglais
Preventive measures for the protection against aggression in the sector of commerce
Description du produit
Techniques and recommendations for the prevention of agression in the sector of commerce, as well as adequate stress management of employees who are exposed to the risks.
Objectif et finalité
Dissemination of good practices in safety management systems and continuous improvement in the prevention of aggression in the trade sector.
This production is one of the preventive activities developed by FREMAP, as collaborating entity of the Social Security in accordance with the criteria and priorities set by the department. The main reason to produce this multimedia was that FREMAP discovered in a large group of the trade sector assisted by them the need of information on how to deal with the risk of aggression, considering the special sensitivity and concerns of affected workers with regard to this issue. Chosing a multimedia tool facilitates dissemination of the issue and it may be perfectly used in the existing internal training networks and platforms of the enterprises. And it promotes the interaction of the workers and achieves a higher level of acceptance among them.
Public cible
Insured workers who are associated with FREMAP and self-employed persons.
Coordonnées de l'éditeur
FREMAP, M.A.A.T.E.P.S.S. Nº 61
Ctra. de Pozuelo61, Spain-28222 Majadahonda
Coordonnées de la société de production
Iberian Raccoon, S.L.
José Bardasano Baos9, Spain-28016 Madrid