Mobile Equipment in Underground Mines

Titre traduit en anglais

Mobile Equipment in Underground Mines

Film: Durée en minutes

4:31 minutes

Description du produit

A ministry of Labour mining inspector visits the Kidd Creek copper mine in Timmins, Ontario. He describes what happens during an inspection of underground mobile equipment, and what he is looking for to ensure that the mine is in compliance with the Occuaptinal Health and Safety Act. These "inspector" videos use ministry inspectors, not actors. By showing what mining operations must do to be in compliance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act and its regulations, the ministry expects to achieve increased cooperation during its inspections and improved workplace health and safety in that sector. As well, by using actual ministry inspectors in the video instead of actors, the video helps put a "human face" on our inspection staff, showing that they are experts in their field.

Objectif et finalité

- Ministry of Labour mining inspectors look at mobile equipment in underground mines. - This video shows what happens during an inspection and what inspectors must see to ensure that the mine is in compliance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act.

Video is a cost-effective way to get a message across. Videos are put on the Ministry of Labour website. Various associations link to the videos. Employers use the videos during health and safety meetings. As well, copies of the video are sent to various organizations for use during conferences, etc.

Public cible

Employers and workers in the underground mining sector

Coordonnées de l'éditeur

Ontario Ministry of Labour
400 University Ave.7th floor, Canada-M7A 1T7 Toronto, Ontario

Coordonnées de la société de production

Platypus Media Inc.
, Canada-M6K 3B8 Toronto, Ontario