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Mobile NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards (mNPG)-NIOSH
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Mobile NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards (mNPG)-NIOSH
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Description du produit
The NIOSH mobile Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards (mNPG) is a specialized web site that uses HTML5 and advanced JavaScript to enable native app like functionality in a downloadable app that works offline. Containing a database of 634 chemicals common in industry, the mNPG allows users to search by chemical trade names and synonyms, CAS Numbers, US Department of Transportation Numbers and RTECS numbers assisted by an advanced "type ahead" feature. Users can also save a list of frequently referenced chemicals, and choose which data about a given chemical is displayed - particularly useful with mobile devices. The app is downloaded and updated directly from NIOSH and not any app store. In the first three months of dissemination, this app outperformed all other NIOSH apps for the first six months of release and proved the viability of making a web app perform like a native app.
Objectif et finalité
The NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards (NPG) is one of the most popular publications issued by the United States Federal Government and is in Daily use by Occupational Safety and Health professionals around the world. In response to stakeholder and audience demand, NIOSH created an app version of the NPG in a process that developed an alternative, sustainable pathway for apps at NIOSH.
Chemical Hazards in the mobile environment, NIOSH developed a solution that will function on any mobile device desktop computer with a modern web browser, offers the ability to save a list of commonly referenced chemicals and to tailor which data about a chemical is seen. Best of all this app will function offline, without an internet connection.
Public cible
Occupational safety and health professionals, Industrial Hygienists, chemical safety professionals, laboratory staff, emergency responders, healthcare providers
Coordonnées de l'éditeur
United States National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
Tusculum Avenue1150 - Taft Laboratories MS C-18 , United States-45238 Cincinnati, Ohio
uzc9@cdc.gov https://www.cdc.gov/niosh
Coordonnées de la société de production
United States National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
Tusculum Avenue1150 - Taft Laboratories MS C-18 , USA-45238 Cincinnati, Ohio