"Partnerschaft für Prävention" – Gemeinsam sicher und gesund
Titre traduit en anglais
"Partnership for Prevention" – Together safe and healthy
Film: Durée en minutes
15:04 minutes
Description du produit
The goal of the campaign AUVA "Partnership for Prevention – Together safe and healthy" is to initiate a process that anchors a positive prevention culture in the company. This can only succeed when managers and employees work together on measures to improve health and safety in the enterprise. This video shows some examples of Austrian companies that succesfully have realised partnership for prevention.
Objectif et finalité
Presentation of the AUVA initiative "partnership for prevention" - together safe and healthy in order to enhance the awareness of "prevention" in managers and employees.
a) management system (e.g. AUVA-SGM) b) staff focus c) communication and cooperation d) organisational aspects
Public cible
Employees, especially in small and medium-sized enterprises, personnel list, safety experts, occupational health practioners, employees
Coordonnées de l'éditeur
AUVA-Hauptstelle, Abt.: Sicherheitsmarketing, Presse
Adalbert-Stifter-Straße65, Austria-1200 Wien
+4359393 22906 ferdinand.haslinger@auva.at www.auva.at
Coordonnées de la société de production
MKC-Totalmedia GmbH
Rosenhügelstraße13 / 4-5 - Film & Werbeprodukion , Austria-1120 Wien
+43(1)8048224+43(1)804822410 office@mkctotalmedia.com