Pre-use Inspection (Vertical Lift)
Titre traduit en anglais
Pre-use Inspection (Vertical Lift)
Film: Durée en minutes
09:16 minutes
Description du produit
The film starts by explaining the different type of MEWPs, the need for a risk assessment, and the required types of PPE operators should wear. Then a step-by-step, commentary talks through the detail of how to undertake a pre-start inspection including. A series of images and graphic animations are used. The film ends by saying what should be done if the MEWP does not fulfill the visual and functionality inspections. This is followed by IPAF's web address.
Objectif et finalité
Pre-use inspections are a vital part of safe MEWP operation
Failure to conduct a thorough pre-use inspection of a MEWP can lead to risk of accident or injury.
Public cible
Operators of vertical lift type booms, managers of operators of vertical lift type booms
Coordonnées de l'éditeur
Unit1 - IPAF Moss End Business Village , United Kingdom-LA7 7NU Crooklands
Coordonnées de la société de production
Optical 3D
Moss End Business Village228 - Moss End Business Village , United Kingdom-LA7 7NU Crooklands