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Prevents lilla brevskola om stress

Titre traduit en anglais

Prevent’s correspondence school: Stress

Autre média

Description du produit

The aim is for the target group to learn more about what stress is, be able to recognise common signs of stress and gain concrete tips on how to tackle the causes of stress. The course consists of 10 short lessons delivered via e-mail.

Objectif et finalité

In many situations, stress is a positive reaction. It’s when the demands become greater than the ability to handle them that the stress becomes negative. But you can do something about a stressful work environment. This course gives you good advice what to do, regardless if you are a manager or employee.

Public cible

Managers and employees in Swedish companies

Coordonnées de l'éditeur

Södermalmsallén 36, Sweden-118 28 Stockholm

Coordonnées de la société de production

Södermalmsallén36 - Box 20133 , Sverige-104 60 Stockholm