Protect your Safety an Health while working in Korea
Titre traduit en anglais
Protect your Safety an Health while working in Korea
Film: Durée en minutes
About 35 minutes minutes
URL du produit que vous souhaitez soumettre (http:// or https://)
Description du produit
Explain hazardous factors by using explanation method for easier understanding
Basic OSH guidelines that migrant workers should bear in mind
Public cible
Migrant workers who are working or will work in Korea
Coordonnées de l'éditeur
KOSHA(Korea Occupational Safty and Health Agency
jongga-ro, Jung-gu400, Republic of Korea-44429 Ulsan
Coordonnées de la société de production
KOSHA(Korea Occupational Safty and Health Agency
jongga-ro, Jung-gu400, Republic of Korea-44429 Ulsan