Recorriendo los pictogramas

Titre traduit en anglais

Recourse to pictograms

Film: Durée en minutes

20 minutes

Description du produit

Short film which demonstrates everyday situations in the field of construction, and which develops a plot which explains the risks and the control measures with the use of pictograms.

Objectif et finalité

A video which is produced to support the use of pictograms at construction sites. The message is to inform on the main risks and their control measures.

The use of pictograms requires audio-visual support.

Public cible

Workers in construction operations and risk prevention professionals.

Coordonnées de l'éditeur

Mutual de Seguridad CChC
Alemeda4850, Chile-7251424 Santiago

Coordonnées de la société de production

Mutual de Seguridad CChC
Alameda4850, Chile-7251424 Santiago