Rekonstrukcje filmowe istotnych wypadków i zdarzeń niebezpiecznych, jako nowoczesna forma oddziaływania na świadomość pracowników - kolizja maszyn górniczych w kopalni Polkowice – Sieroszowice.
Titre traduit en anglais
Reconstructions of significant accidents and hazardous events that occurred in 2016 in the branches of KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. – collision of mining machines Mine Polkowice-Sieroszowice.
Film: Durée en minutes
03:59 minutes
Description du produit
The reconstruction was based on the detailed investigation of the sequence of events in which the employees participated who were involved in the accident. The film images were created using a hybrid technology: images that were taken in a real mine were combined with computer animation and diagrams. The film story was created based on the different instruction stages for working in this place. At a first stage, general information about the accident is provided to encourage workers to perform a self-analysis and to understand the errors that occurred. In a next step, a visualization of the sequence of events is presented together with a summary and an evaluation so that the collision causes and errors that were committed can be discussed. At first a slide with general information about the accident is presented including details on the location (tunnel number) and on the vehicles that were involved in the accident. Next, different scenes show how the accident occurred. Here, the actors play the role of the workers. The scenes present all the actions of the persons involved in the accident, highlighting exemplary conduct and misconduct. The narrator describes the accident and the sequence of events (based on the accident report) and consequences leading to the accident. An illustration is shown that indicates the number of victims and personal details (position, age, experience, etc.). A layout plan of the accident scene is presented and the accident causes and errors leading to the accident are enumerated.
Objectif et finalité
This activity aims at increasing the knowledge and awareness of workers regarding the risks that arise in the work process. It also intends raising the employees' motivation to comply with safety rules and to behave in a safe manner.
These films are part of a programme that aims at promoting safety and health at work. The accident reconstruction (the film) was based on the detailed investigation of the sequence of events in which the employees participated who were involved in the accident. The film images were created using a hybrid technology: images that were taken in a real mine were combined with computer animation and graphic slides. The film story was created based on the different instruction stages for working in this place. At a first stage, general information about the accident is provided to encourage workers to perform a self-analysis and to understand the errors that occurred. In a next step, a visualization of the sequence of events is presented together with a summary and an evaluation so that the collision causes and errors that were committed can be discussed.
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Public cible
All workers of the KGHM Polska Miedź S.A business group. Every business group consists of 32 companies and 18200 workers in total.
Prix gagnés
Prize awarded for activities related to the website where these films are presented: mention of honor in The National Contest to Improve Working Conditions in Poland organized by the Ministry of Family, Work and Social Policy in Poland in 2016
Coordonnées de l'éditeur
KGHM Polska Miedź S.A.
M. Skłodowskiej-Curie48, Poland-59-301 Lubin
Coordonnées de la société de production
KGHM Polska Miedź S.A.
M. Skłodowskiej-Curie48, Polonia-59-301 Lubin