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Safety Starts With Everyone (Safety Starts With Me Competition 2015)
Titre traduit en anglais
Safety Starts With Everyone (Safety Starts With Me Competition 2015)
Film: Durée en minutes
2:45 minutes
Description du produit
Inculcate good habits in the office to keep yourself healthy and productive.
Objectif et finalité
“I can prevent all injuries and be healthy at work.” The theme aims to inculcate a mindset that all injuries and ill-health at work are preventable. It drives a focus on finding solutions to prevent injuries and ill-health. This is crucial to improve the quality of our lives.
This video was submitted for the Safety Starts With Me Compeititon organised by Workplace Safety and Health Council.
Public cible
Supervisors, workers and members of public
National WSH Campaign
Prix gagnés
Safety Starts with Me Competition 2015
Coordonnées de l'éditeur
WSH Council
Bendemeer Road1500 - MOM Services Centre , Singapore-339946 Singapore
yeo_siew_liang@mom.gov.sg www.wshc.sg
Coordonnées de la société de production
Bedok North Street 3, #02-816534 - n.a. , Singapore-460534 Singapore