Safety, Your Word Your Life

Titre traduit en anglais

Safety, Your Word Your Life

Film: Durée en minutes

3:10 minutes

Description du produit

In this music video, singer-songwriter Boon Hui Lu croons about keeping your word on safety and walking the talk.

Objectif et finalité

To remind all individuals about the importance of safety and the promise to uphold the commitment of staying safe in the workplace.

This song was written by Boon Hui Lu for the WSH Songwriting Competition. It was announced as the top winner at the launch of National WSH Campaign 2016.

Public cible


National WSH Campaign

Prix gagnés

WSH Song Writing Competition

Coordonnées de l'éditeur

Workplace Safety and Health Council
Bendemeer Road1500 - Ministry of Manpower Services Centre , Singapore-339946 Singapore

Coordonnées de la société de production

Simei Street 1106 - n.a. , Singapore-520106 Singapore