Segurança na estrada
Titre traduit en anglais
Road Safety
Film: Durée en minutes
12 minutes
Description du produit
A series of testimonies of former AngloAmerican miners that ignored safety procedures while driving. Each testimony has dreary consequences and a shocking end to deliver the message and impact workers. The testimonies are not real, but are very convincing and close to miners reality.
Public cible
AngloAmerican Mining employees
Coordonnées de l'éditeur
Cinetransformer Group
Melchor ocampo193 T-C PH-C, Mexico-11300 MIGUEL HIDALGO
Coordonnées de la société de production
Cinetransformer Group
melchor ocampo193 T-C PH-C, Mexico-11300 MIGUEL HIDALGO