Seguridad Basada en el Comportamiento

Titre traduit en anglais

Safety and behaviour

Film: Durée en minutes

21 minutes

Description du produit

Introduction (fundamentals and definitions): project about adult life (PVA) and map of organisational skills (MCO). Security is based on the observation of adult behaviour (SBOCA) - accident prevention is based on the SBOCA key factors and observes and analyzes the behavior of adults, role definition, fundamental actions and errors in the implementation of the SBOCA

Objectif et finalité

That worker should be clear about his adult life project and manage the competence map related to organisational skills in order to more clearly identify the work- related risks. And thus he takes a responsible attitude which is one of the basic principles of safety based on the observation of adult behaviour.

Since 20 years, the Colombian Security Council has been developing educational videos on safety and health at work for safety responsible persons and workers, a tool that can be used to promote risk prevention culture at work.

Public cible

Responsible persons for occupational health and safety, supervisors, employees

Prix gagnés

First prize in the competition of the Latinamerican Video Association for Safety and Hygiene at Work 2013

Coordonnées de l'éditeur

Consejo Colombiano de Seguridad
, Colombia-11001000 Bogota

Coordonnées de la société de production

Consejo Colombiano de Seguridad