  • Sicherheitsquiz1
  • Sicherheitsquiz2
  • Sicherheitsquiz3
  • Sicherheitsquiz4
  • Sicherheitsquiz5

Sicherheitsquiz für AZUBIS 2011/2012

Titre traduit en anglais

Safety quizz for appentices

Film: Durée en minutes


Description du produit

Apprentices safety quizz for the use of in-house instructions. The BG RCI provides the safety quizz for apprentices on a DVD for enterprises for their in-house training. The independent parts 1 and 2 each contain the following elements: Safety quizz for apprentices - Part 1: The questions Safety quiz for apprentices - Part 2: The Answers answer sheet group sheet solution sheet 3 of 3 episodes, each episode self-contained.

Objectif et finalité

Communication of safe and health-oriented behaviour for apprentices

Early initiation of safety and health oriented behaviour patterns are the basis for subsequent sucess of prevention measures. Whoever succeeds in raising awarness about safety and health-oriented behaviour, creates the best conditions for subsequent success in life - both in professional and private life. Due to the positive response to the previous safety competitions for apprentices of the sectors mining and building materials, rock and accociated products the BG RCI offered this competition in 2011 and 2012 for apprentices of their member companies. Target group of the competition were apprentices of all disciplines from the member companies of the BG RCI.

Public cible

apprentices from 1st to 3rd training year

Prix gagnés

„European Good Practice Award“

Coordonnées de l'éditeur

Berufsgenossenschaft Rohstoffe und chemische Industrie – BG RCI, Branche Bergbau
Hunscheidtstr.18, Germany-44789 Bochum

Coordonnées de la société de production

Arbeitsgruppe information
Auf dem Berg 18 - Riesenkönig Helmut , Germany-54552 Üdersdorf
+49(0) 65 969 26 10