TV-Spot: Stopp bei Gefahr – Baustelle
Titre traduit en anglais
TV spot: Stop work in dangerous cicumstances – building site
Film: Durée en minutes
00:30 minutes
Description du produit
The primary focus of the multiannual prevention campaign is on a worker who looks like a crah test dummy. The character named "Risky" suffers various injuries and for demonstration purposes presents various injuries or illnesses. In addition, "Risky" breathes and acts as an ambassador for safe behavior in the various risk occupations. In the TV spots, the consequences of an accident are presented in two worlds; in the workers world and in the world of relatives, friends and partners. The dummy is victim of a work accident, crashes and falls into the private world of his partner/his friends.
Objectif et finalité
Central message "Stop work if a dangerous situation arises. Even for your neighbour´s sake. "Accidents at work create suffering in those directly affected, but also in their families, partners and friends. Therefore, it is all the more important to stop work, eliminate the risk and then continue working. Target The "Vision 250 Lives» Suva sets the goal to cut in half the number of fatal accidents and disability within 10 years (2010 - 2020). In future, the focus will be on the prevention of occupational accidents in workplaces with high risks. Therefore the campaign target and safety measures are long-term.
In Switzerland, every year around 250 000 people suffer from work accidents. Every fifth worker, every fourth scaffolders and every third forestry workers fall victim. Particular tragic are those accidents in which people lose their lives. On average over the last few years enterprises lost around 100 employees. Similarly, many accidents end with severe disability. In addition, each year around 100 other people die as a result of asbestos dust. People often forget that accidents affect everyone - even the family and friends.
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Public cible
Main target group: Workers who work in high-risk occupations and who are daily exposed to workplace hazards. Secondary target group: Employers, safety officers, planners and supervisors, who are responsible for the safety of their employees.
Prix gagnés
EDI 11 (Swiss Contract and Commercial Fim award) Bronze award in the category "Commercials"
Coordonnées de l'éditeur
Suva, Bereich Integrierte Sicherheit
Postfach4358, Switzerland-6002 Luzern
Coordonnées de la société de production
Leo Burnett Schweiz AG (Filmproduktion: Pumpkin Film, Zürich)
Aemtlerstrasse201 - Postfach , Switzerland-8040 Zürich
+41(0)43311 2525