¿como manejar emocionalmente los problemas?

Title translated into English

How to emotionally handle problems?

Product submission URL (http:// or https://)

Product description

Hello everyone, my name is Pureza, thanks to my life experience, through the years I have learnt how to deal emotionally with problems and today, taking advantage of a problem that Timotea has, I want to share my knowledge on this subject.

Aims and objectives

To teach workers techniques for emotionally assertive handling of problems, using art and play as a tool to facilitate the introduction of concepts.

Target audience

Young workers, Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), Supervisors and managers, OSH specialists, Other (please specify) : familia


The company R.S.O. S.A. has received the following awards: Innovators of Santander, Coomeva Award, Best Video Mapfre Foundation.

Contact details Editor / Production company

Compañia R.S.O. S.A.
Calle 54 # 27 - 37 apto 1101 - Carrera 33 # 52 - 83 , Colombia-680003 Bucaramanga
+57 607 6577755 - +57 3188269884 https://rso-sa.com/