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What's Up

Title translated into English

What's Up

Film: Duration in minutes

3 Min 22 Sec minutes

Product submission URL (http:// or https://)

Product description

A targeted critical-risk video focusing on working at heights. What's Up became a joint initiative for Ventia and the Office of the Federal Safety Commissioner.

Aims and objectives

What's Up was parter of a wider critical risk campaign designed to communicate with the frontline, uniting the team under a shared vision of safety and to deliver on Ventia's promise of "Safety and health, above all else".

Target audience

Supervisors and managers, Other (please specify) : Frontline workers


Contact details Editor

33/1176 Gold Coast Highway, Australia-4221 Palm Beach

Contact details Production company

Everyday Massive
33/1176 Gold Coast Highway, Australia-4221 Palm Beach