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  • La drague1
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La drague au travail

Title translated into English

Flirting at work

Product submission URL (http:// or https://)

Product description

The website is a project for the prevention of sexual harassment at work. This fun tool, which is easy and freely accessible, aims to educate companies (including the direction, HR managers, executives and employees) on the concept of sexual harassment and thus attempts to prevent such discrimination. Through two interactive comics and a quiz, the website allows to test your knowledge of sexual harassment and also offers a self-assessment of the measures taken by companies, allowing the companies to test their compliance with the Swiss law. This project has received financial support from the Federal Office for Equality between Women and Men.

Aims and objectives

Our website aims to address the issue of sexual harassment by clearly distinguishing the facts of seduction from unwelcome behavior. The objective is to provide a better understanding of sexual harassment in order to prevent its occurrence in the workplace. The website also offers a self-assessment quiz for companies and tips to improve prevention of harassment in the workplace.

Le deuxième Observatoire specializes in sexual and psychological harassment at work. We develop prevention tools for companies and courses for executives and employees. In general, directions of companies say they are interested in the topic of sexual harassment and that they find it important. However, they often point out the lack of resources to deal the topic in the form of courses. Lack of time, lack of budget and other priority training courses are arguments that explain why corporate training on this issue of occupational health is not common. To circumvent these obstacles, we chose to develop a website dedicated to sexual harassment. The multimedia option also has the advantage of being able to reach a wider circle of people, and of developing original concepts and formats that prove to be attractive. Designed as a fun tool, our website discusses the topic of sexual harassment in the workplace, in particular through interactive comics. Moreover, directions are willing to train executives / managers in their companies on various topics of prevention, but generally not the staff as a whole, because it does not seem necessary to them or because of a lack of resources. The existence of a free website, which is open to the general public helps to fill this gap.

Target audience

The website is intended for the direction and the HR managers, as well as for the executives and employees of SMEs or large enterprises, but also for anyone else interested in the topic of sexual harassment at work.

Contact details Editor

Le deuxième Observatoire
Rue de la Tannerie2, Switzerland-1227 Carouge

Contact details Production company

Le deuxième Observatoire
Rue de la Tannerie2bis, Switzerland-1227 Carouge