The Winners of the International Media Festival for Prevention 2017

From the left: Dr. Donna Van Bogaert (Chair of the Multimedia Jury), Johan Mellnas (Prevent in Sweden), Carsten Zölck (VBG, Germany), Heng Chiang Gnee (WSHC Singapore), Dr. Margaret Kitt (President of the ISSA Section Information), Engr. Redha Salman (Dubai Municipality, UAE), Bonnie Yau (Occoupational Safety and Health Council, Hong Kong), Eng. Read Mohammed Al Marzouqi (Dubai Municipality, UAE), Kala Anandarajah (WSHC Singapore), Peter Rimmer (Chair of the Film Jury), N.N. (WSHC Singapore), Louise Logan (Parachute, Canada), Martina Hesse-Spötter (Secretary General of the ISSA Section Electricity), missing: David Lecat (Boulangerie artisanale for AG2R LA MONDIALE, France)
Winner in the category "film"

Safety, Your Word Your Life (WSH Song Writing Competition)
Workplace Safety and Health Council, Singapore
In this music video, singer-songwriter Boon Hui Lu sings about keeping your word on safety and 'walking the talk'.

OSH Master Chef II
Occupational Safety and Health Council, Hong Kong
The film series identifies safety hazards in the kitchen and brings out the safety messages through the dialogue between the Master Chef and his apprentice Billy.

L’asthme d’Antoine le Boulanger (The asthma of Antoine the baker)
Antoine, a young baker, discovers the risks linked to his job and the significance of flour dust as a hazard in the artisanal baking.

Parachute, Canada
Canadian 'vlogger' Michael Rizzi's unique style communicates potential safety hazards to young workers
Winner in the category "multimedia"

Safety and Health with George and Hazel
Workplace Safety and Health Council, Singapore
An e-learning animation following the daily work lives of George and Hazel and teaching users the basics of workplace safety and health.

Rette Murphy! (Save Murphy!)
VBG – Ihre gesetzliche Unfallversicherung, Hamburg, Germany
A Gaming App with eight games corresponding to eight working hours. The task in each game is to help Murphy in dangerous situations and to guide him safely through his working day.

Balansguiden – om livet med jobbet (Balance Guide – life with work)
Prevent in Sweden, Sweden
"Balansguiden" is a guide to finding the right work/life balance for those managing their own hours and work. The guide is designed to help the target group to reflect on their own situation and identify what works for them.