Slips, trips and falls

Titre traduit en anglais

Slips, trips and falls

Film: Durée en minutes

31 seconds minutes

Description du produit

Slips, trips and falls are one of the leading causes of workplace injuries in Saskatchewan. The number one cause of serious workplace injuries is falls to a floor, walkway or surface. The first four videos in this playlist focuses on four common types of injuries and highlights the potential health consequences that they can result in. The goal is to encourage and educate workers and employers to avoid injuries by taking safer steps.

Objectif et finalité

Slips, trips and falls are one of the leading causes of workplace injuries in Saskatchewan. The number one cause of serious workplace injuries is falls to a floor, walkway or surface. This series of videos focuses on four common types of injuries and highlights the potential health consequences that they can result in. The goal is to encourage and educate workers and employers to avoid injuries by taking safer steps.

Public cible

Jeunes travailleurs


Slips, trips and falls

Coordonnées de l'éditeur / de la société de production

Saskatchewan Worker's Compensation Board
200-1881 Scarth St, Canada-S4P4L1 Regina