Arbeitssicherheit: Verantwortung beginnt bei uns allen

Titre traduit en anglais

Work Safety - Responsibility starts with all of us

Film: Durée en minutes

02:29 minutes

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Description du produit

Sustainability cannot be thought of one-dimensionally. We are convinced that functioning models for the future can only be achieved with a holistic approach. For this reason, our three sustainability pillars - economic, environmental and social - are closely interlinked. The social pillar is aimed at people - our well-being and safety are top priorities at PORR. A safe working environment for all PORR employees is therefore one of the focal points of our sustainability strategy. Highly trained specialists, in-house knowledge transfer and modern handling processes support the long-term goal of our "Vision Zero" prevention strategy: Zero accidents. Responsibility begins in the consciousness of each and every one of us. We live this together at PORR.

Objectif et finalité

Sensitise employees to the topic of "occupational safety & responsibility" on the construction site.

Public cible

Autres (veuillez préciser) : Alle Mitarbeitende unseres Unternehmens.

Coordonnées de l'éditeur / de la société de production

PORR GmbH & Co. KGaA
Walter-Gropius-Straße 23, Germany-80807 München