Jangan Sepelekan Tersedak

Titre traduit en anglais

Don't overlook choking

Film: Durée en minutes

1.55 minutes

Description du produit

Some food have risk to make choke : rambutan fruit, meatball, grapes, candy, jelly and small toys. 4 steps to prevent choking. 2 steps first aid for choking

Objectif et finalité

Important to everyone know how to prevent and first aid for choking

Every year many children in Indonesia die cause of choking because parent don't know to prevent and how to do first aid for choking.

Public cible

General Public

Coordonnées de l'éditeur

4Life OHS Services
Jl.KS Tubun26C - Subadra 3 No.1 , Indonesia-16151 Bogor

Coordonnées de la société de production

4Life OHS Services
Jl.KS Tubun 26C - Subadra 3 No.1 , Indonesia-16151 Bogor