Running Risks
Titre traduit en anglais
Running Risks
Film: Durée en minutes
03:30 minutes
Description du produit
Andreas has been working for many years as a machine operator in a major food company. The work means much to him and yet – his biggest pride is his little daughter. They both love painting together, up to the day when Andreas reaches carelessly into an operating machine...
Objectif et finalité
Appeal never to reach into operating machines.
Reconstruction of an occupational accident, based on a true story. The film manages to produce a high level of emotional impact in order to enable a change in behavior.
Public cible
Internal employees
Coordonnées de l'éditeur
Crane Ashberry Industry Film
Grabenweg3a, Austria-6850 Dornbirn
Coordonnées de la société de production
Crane Ashberry Industry Film
Grabenweg3a, Austria-6850 Dornbirn